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Crypto Titans Podcast: A Great Place to Start

Last updated: 07.25.2022 by Andrew Shepard

The Crypto Titans Podcast is one of the most prominent materials available to consumers out there, as it hosts a series of firebrand chats and puts various people on the microphone. The podcast is free of bias, and it often brings some of the most prominent critics of the blockchain and crypto industry and its most passionate defenders.

If you are tuning in to listen to the podcast, you are likely to hear opinions by financiers, developers, service providers, entrepreneurs and everyone else who may be keen on exploring the industry in one way or another. Crypto B2B leaders are often hosted and welcome to be a part of the experience as they should be.

Crypto Titans Podcast

Hosted by Nate Ginsburg, the author of the podcast is definitely passionate about cryptocurrencies and the way they stand to change the world. Ginsburg is known for his own seven-figure exits in the industry, and he has a very strong grasp of the industry, which means he is capable of asking the right questions and bringing to his listeners the nuggets of information that you are unlikely to hear anywhere else but.

However, Ginsburg is not interested in projects that have no real value. He is only interested in the projects that create real value and achieve sustainable growth in the context of the industry. This way, Ginsburg believes he can demonstrate the merit of blockchain and cryptocurrency and help it gather better momentum.

There have been a number of episodes of the Crypto Titans podcast already, and they all brought some interesting listener and interlocutors to the microphone. In Episode 1, Ginsburg hosted Musheer Ahmed, the General Manager of the Hong Kong Fintech Association.

But this is hardly the only noteworthy personality he has spoken with. Social Alpha Foundation Nydia Zhang was the guest in Episode 2, and it was a fantastic one. So far, the podcast has released 21 episodes – but the number is constantly changing. The podcast itself is well-researched, and the guests are people with proven track records in finance or blockchain, cryptocurrency, or another relevant field of expertise.

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Some of them bring more unorthodox opinions but are entertained and respected by mainstream and conventional financiers, for example, which shows that Ginsburg is only interested in creating true, unbiased value through his work on the podcast. There are interviews around the clock, and Ginsburg only wants to explore tangents that are actually very likely to change the industry as we know it.

Crypto Titans is free to download, and you can tune in and listen to your favorite speakers or discover new ones. You may not hear the same person appear on the podcast twice for a while, as Ginsburg is keen to get as many different people speaking as he can. The idea behind Crypto Titans is not to necessarily there to validate the crypto industry as such – it’s there to prove that the crypto industry has a value and that this value should not be shrugged. The podcast is doing a good job of delivering strong arguments that withstand criticism.

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