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    About Pragmatic Play Live Azure Roulette

    Azure Roulette, developed by Pragmatic Play and released in September 2020, has gained popularity in the casino scene. With live dealers and a setting that emphasizes a welcoming atmosphere, the game provides players with an engaging experience. The blue-themed design, clear wheel, and live chat contribute to a casino-like ambiance.

    Following classic European roulette rules, Azure Roulette features a single zero and 36 pockets, but it introduces distinctive gameplay elements and betting options. It accommodates a diverse audience by supporting over 100 languages and 30+ currencies.

    Key features include a studio in Bucharest, Romania, ensuring a visually appealing environment, high-resolution streaming for optimal clarity, and special bets on the racetrack, like Final en Plain and Finales a Cheval. The game is accessible on various devices, supporting iOS, Android, and Microsoft operating systems. An autoplay mode allows players to automate bets, and the game maintains a competitive RTP of 97.3%.

    Azure Roulette offers a straightforward yet engaging roulette experience, making it a preferred choice for those seeking accessible and distinctive gameplay. To explore this game in more detail without spending money, join our live-stream sessions for an immersive experience.

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