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What is the chance of roulette wheel landing on green within 10 spins?

Last updated: 05.04.2024 by Andrew Shepard

The chance of a roulette wheel landing on green in a single spin depends on the type of roulette game being played. In a European roulette game with a single zero, there is only one green pocket, and the probability of the ball landing on it in a single spin is 1/37 or approximately 2.7%.

Assuming we are playing on a European roulette wheel, the probability of the ball not landing on green in a single spin is 36/37 or approximately 97.3%.

To calculate the probability of the ball not landing on green in 10 spins, we can raise the probability of not landing on green in a single spin to the 10th power:

(36/37)^10 ≈ 0.737

This means that the probability of the ball not landing on green in 10 spins is approximately 73.7%.

To find the probability of the ball landing on green at least once in 10 spins, we can subtract the probability of it not landing on green from 1:

1 - 0.737 ≈ 0.263

So the probability of the ball landing on green at least once in 10 spins is approximately 26.3%, or approximately 1 in 4 spins on average.

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