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What is the biggest roulette win of all time?

Last updated: 05.04.2024 by Andrew Shepard

It is difficult to determine the biggest roulette win of all time, as there have been many large wins throughout history, both in land-based casinos and online. However, here are a few notable examples:

  • In 2004, a man named Ashley Revell sold all of his possessions, including his house, and bet the entire amount on a single spin of the roulette wheel at the Plaza Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. He placed his entire net worth of $135,300 on red and won, doubling his money to $270,600.
  • In 2017, an anonymous gambler won over $2.3 million playing roulette at the Les Ambassadeurs Club in London. The exact amount won and the details of the win have not been publicly disclosed.
  • In 2008, a man named Charles Wells won over 1 million francs playing roulette at the Monte Carlo Casino in Monaco. He used a system of "sector targeting" to predict where the ball would land and placed large bets accordingly. He continued to win for several days before being banned from the casino.

It's important to remember that these big wins are rare occurrences, and most players will not experience such a large win in their lifetime. Roulette, like all casino games, has a built-in house edge, which means that over time, the casino will always win more money than it pays out. It's always a good idea to gamble responsibly and never bet more than you can afford to lose.

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